Friday, June 19, 2009

Next Event

I smashed the toe to the left of my Big Toe on my left foot Wednesday morning. Sore is the word, closely followed my swollen and discolored, too. My toe continues to improve. Still discolored in the nail/knuckle area, and there's still a little swelling in the toe. No fun.

This is the next formal event I'm contesting on July 26th:
The steepness factor is supposed to be a killer:

I rode a pretty steep and long hill at the end of Wednesday's (20-mile) bike ride and surprised myself by being able to (a) climb it without interruption, and (b) use a bigger gear and go faster than I would have expected. This was the first time I've ridden the first hill, and when I went over to the "usual" hill I use, I now found it too short and not steep enough.

My head was telling me I would have to stop sometime on that new hill, but I pushed through it. That's one side effect from working with Bri (personal trainer) - I'm learning not to quit on myself or to plan for failure in what appears to be an impossible challenge.

I know some very steep and long hills I can practice on over the next 5 weeks, both near home and on the cape (Truro, where I sometimes do long rides.) I plan to get out to Worcester sometime soon, too, for some onsite inspection and riding!



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